O.K ,sorry , i kinda gave you the wrong impression, i was just asking that's all. So , in answer then. It's just about personal choice really & value for money unless that is you are into some of the finer things in life in which case there are a lot of very well built & nice bits of gear to be had.
Personally, i'm not made of money & i seek out good value. Not cheap crap though, there's a difference. The plot thickens though because there are different types of vapers out there doing it all in their own way, some like a tank & an ego batt, some like a vv mod, some, a mechanical mod. The list goes on. Then there's different atty types which work better with different mod types, sub types within sub types.
There are just so many variables & the vast amount of gear out there gives us the choices.
What i would say to you is if your set up floats your boat & you are enjoying the vape, you've hit the nail on the head. If you want to try a new bit of gear, it's there to try.