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My Next Vaporizer. Why are some better than others?

The statistics on paper aren't always what you get. The big names can charge more because they have a reputation for quality and performance.

If you like the V2 then you'll like the V3. They are clones but probably fine.

ok. so I guess that raises another question. What is a clone? If the EGO-V3 is a knock-off of an original then what is the original?

I want the original of the egov3mega then.
O.K ,sorry , i kinda gave you the wrong impression, i was just asking that's all. So , in answer then. It's just about personal choice really & value for money unless that is you are into some of the finer things in life in which case there are a lot of very well built & nice bits of gear to be had.

Personally, i'm not made of money & i seek out good value. Not cheap crap though, there's a difference. The plot thickens though because there are different types of vapers out there doing it all in their own way, some like a tank & an ego batt, some like a vv mod, some, a mechanical mod. The list goes on. Then there's different atty types which work better with different mod types, sub types within sub types.
There are just so many variables & the vast amount of gear out there gives us the choices.

What i would say to you is if your set up floats your boat & you are enjoying the vape, you've hit the nail on the head. If you want to try a new bit of gear, it's there to try.
O.K ,sorry , i kinda gave you the wrong impression, i was just asking that's all. So , in answer then. It's just about personal choice really & value for money unless that is you are into some of the finer things in life in which case there are a lot of very well built & nice bits of gear to be had.

Personally, i'm not made of money & i seek out good value. Not cheap crap though, there's a difference. The plot thickens though because there are different types of vapers out there doing it all in their own way, some like a tank & an ego batt, some like a vv mod, some, a mechanical mod. The list goes on. Then there's different atty types which work better with different mod types, sub types within sub types.
There are just so many variables & the vast amount of gear out there gives us the choices.

What i would say to you is if your set up floats your boat & you are enjoying the vape, you've hit the nail on the head. If you want to try a new bit of gear, it's there to try.

See, this is my worst night mare. I am the "grass is always greener on the other side" kind of guy. I will keep buying and searching for the best and never stop.

But if they all do the same thing then I guess I will just give up my quest for the best and get a couple of EGO-V3's and call it a day. Then I can focus the rest of my time and money on tanks (if thats the right word) and flavors.

Thank you for your time. I guess I might stick with the EGOv3 then .
The vamo v5 the svd and the mvp are excellent pieces of kit i use them daily.
Get the mvp2.0 there all the same with minor differences the mvp2.0 just has an outstanding battery life of almost 2-3 days!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
You mention in your thread that you are deploying, so I assume you are in the forces. What you may like to consider is how are you going to charge, what ever you get. With an MVP 2 the battery is enclosed in a tough metal case which will last 2/3 days. It is charged via a USB/mains adaptor. Most of the others are single battery affairs, and compared to the MVP quite flimsy. Personally in your position I would go for the MVP it won't break when you drop it, and will fit in a pocket or pouch easily.
+1 for mvp2 buddy and every one comes with a code of authenticity you can check with the manufacturer innokin
Hello everyone, Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice. I think I just made up my mind thanks to all of you. Once I get all of my supplied in I will post some pics of my deployment setup.
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