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My vapeversary


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
Wow, I nearly forgot! Today is my 2nd anniversary of quitting smoking and starting vaping! I'm going to take a leaf out of Mark's book and tell you my personal story so far (although I don't think mines that interesting, but hey, just indulge me!).
i had tried all the usual routes to stop smoking (inhalators which just felt stupid, gum which gave me really bad hiccups and patches that were itchy). Then I went to one of my customers and they were trying to stop their 40 a day malboro habit and had found these brilliant things that looked like fags and tasted like fags, and after buying a starter kit from amazon they stopped smoking instantly. Well I liked the sound of that but their kit looked kind of cheap and it all worked out quite expencive so I looked to my friend google and found a little company called totally wicked (you might have heard of them!). They had a special offer on their 510 Titan kit which had 2 510 batteries, a couple of cartridges and a bottle of 18mg menthol.
24 hours later the postie came and the kit already had charge so I read the instructions, filled the cart until all the white filler was full and took my first puff. It was a true eureka moment and I knew I'd found the answer. I had one more rollie later that day and it tasted so bad that I had to stub it out and take a good pull on my new menthol toy.
straight away I realised the potential for flavour and wasn't interested in tobacco flavours-I was stopping smoking so why the hell would I want something that tasted like the thing I was trying to stop. So back to TW and got some concentrates (cherry and root beer from the patriot range). A week later I bought come nicotene and got mixing (go figure the wait!). I've been diying ever since.
then came the next revelation-there were places where I could talk to other vapers and learn about new ways to do it (cue taking my kit down to my local fish shop trying to source the correct blue fluval filler). Ukvapers mk1 was a great place to hang out and I met some awesome folks there (@kulrmestoopid, Mark, Digicig, and many more, some of whom are here and some are elsewhere). I chatted, watched reviews and marvelled at some I the shinies, whilst saying that I would never buy such expensive gear, lol! I bought a boge revolution, a lavatube mk1, an argento, boge cartos, ce2 clearos and more. They were good times and I loved being a part of the community.
Then it all went tits up (ill wont go into the details cos I think everyone knows what happened next), and I found myself homeless. The other forums took in us ukv refugees (special thanks has to go to the pit and ecf although I think the others were also equally accommodating), until I got a message from kulrmestoopid who told me that this dude called OccultScientist had set up a temporary home called support ukvapers and I should come and check it out. I did and found so many familiar faces. But there was something else here too, a sense of something new and exciting-maybe a more youthful and fun feel to the place and it soon became clear that we had all got comfortable and wanted to stay. Meg was already an admin and was working her butt off and mark was onboard as a mod, but they were still looking for more volunteers and a couple of mad fools put my name forward. I wasn't sure but my OH said I should cos I don't do anything else so I said ok and I've lived every minute of it. It's been amazing how its grown and developed, every day brings some new adventures and the rest of the team are amazing people and are good friends. I truly believe we have the best members too that have really taken on the Potv spirit and are what make this place what it is.
So after 2 years I'm still vaping, feel better than I've ever felt and have met some brilliant people. I've had some really tough personal things going on in these last 3 months (my dad has and is seriously ill and time is not on his side) but I can truly say hand on heart that I wouldn't have got through it without this place and not once have I wanted a cigarette!
Bloody hell, I didn't realise I had so much to say! Thanks for having the patience to read it and here's to the next year and to my first vapefest! Hope to see many of you there!
Simply awesome PF, and for the record, just as interesting as Marks. :)

Well done :)
Awesome post Purplefowler! Damn good read.

I'm surprised at how quickly you got into DIY and I see even new Vapers venturing down that route quite early on. I've spent a FORTUNE on ready mixes. I did dally with mixing after walking away from Vapefest with a slew of Decadent Vapour concentrates but didn't really make anything vapeable or comparable to what was available pre made. I think things have improved a lot which is a good thing. Finding Capella and Mom & Pops have helped considerably mind.

Congrats on your second vapeversary! :)
Well done PF,great to see you stick with it thru bad times,tried the rest myself but some bad times got in my way, divorce, Dad then Mum whilst trying all the off the shelf stuff then like you found vaping and now 3 months on still at it after 44 yrs of the stinkies, hope I can follow your lead
Well done PF,great to see you stick with it thru bad times,tried the rest myself but some bad times got in my way, divorce, Dad then Mum whilst trying all the off the shelf stuff then like you found vaping and now 3 months on still at it after 44 yrs of the stinkies, hope I can follow your lead

Just goes to show how people are so different, I used vaping and PoTV to cope with my divorce and other serious issues within the last 6 months. I have noticed that my lifestyle has become much more healthy and normal since I took up vaping, and I really do think vaping is the cornerstone in all of that :)
Excellent post PF .. well done you :)
It's really good to hear other people's stories about how they discovered vaping
It makes you realise how many people try and fail miserably with NRT.
I always thought I was just really bad at giving up smoking, I think the longest I managed to last was 5 days and that was after hypnosis!

Happy 2nd vaperversary Purplefowler :grin2:
Well done you Purplefowler!! And a big thank you for helping us newbies, many more people will reach anniversaries because of people like you!!
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