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Review Myepack


Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
This is a review based on actual events. No animals were harmed during its production.

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a prince. His name was Prince Naseem Hamed and the land was Sheffield. He doesn't feature in this review any further.

I don't buy from myepack because they pay me. I don't buy from Myepack for the free sex (although that wouldn't go amiss to be honest). I buy from Myepack because they offer kit at reasonable prices and offer Grade fucking A service.

After receiving the rather disappointing experience that is the VTbox200 yesterday I needed a pick-me-up. So, after consuming vast quantities of Colombia's best selling export I set about ordering an iPV4S.

It was quarter to three in the afternoon. I know the site says there's a 3pm cut-off for getting things in the post but I could have forgiven them if they'd decided to call it a day early and go off dogging. But they didn't, the package arrived this morning.

"Brilliant," you say. "The idiot is writing about an experience where nothing went wrong and he got what he paid for - so the fuck what?!"

Well, firstly, swearing isn't big or clever so pack it in. Secondly, it did go wrong so fuck you.

The measure of a company isn't how well they do the stuff you expect them to do well, it's how well they deal with the shit when things go wrong. Like Rob sorting out the VTboxes; he doesn't have to do it and it's got nothing to do with Vape Geek but you can't take the gent out of the man - much like when MrTeaTime is in the public toilets in Matlock.

Instead of a 4S in the envelope there lay a D2. Cracking little mod from the look of it and one I'll be buying next week...but this week was all about the 4S.

I've read some nonsense about people not having emails replied to and, quite frankly, I think you're unbelievably stupid to be bitching about it on a forum when they have a fucking telephone number, it's at the bottom of EVERY damn page on their website: 0208 854 9644

Phone call placed after Midday, answered second ring and Ash was happy to send out a replacement immediately and include an envelope to return the D2.

Simple, straightforward, efficient, pleasant - professional.

That's what you get when you go Myepack.
Glad you got it sorted Dave,and yeh I remeber back when I ordered a Vamo from him and it went tits up,I used the good old fashion telephone method and he kindly sent me three other mods to have a look at and choose from,with a prepaid box to return,all at his expense.I mentioned a while back to someone,a lot of people have no fucking patience when it comes to getting replies, especially the younger generation.They must think the vendors are just sat waiting to deal with your problem and nothing else,yeh it can be frustrating but unlike going back to a shop where we bought something and just slapping the fucker there and then if they ignore you,you just have to wait occasionally when it comes to rectifying something via online.
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