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name juices that burn your coils super quick!


Jan 15, 2018
ok so i'm new to vaping. But I have been noticing juices that burn a coil super quick. I wondering what yours were. At first I thought it would be jam on toast..but no. It was I was I love popcorn. at a 70 vg where jam on toast is 80vg.I went through a coil a day by vaping I love popcorn. And to be honest I didn't think the taste of it earned the place to burn so quick. So now i'm on another coil lets see how this goes. But yes please tell what really burns your coils.
Sweet and sugary juices are usually the culprit and anything with a lot of cream in can also clog them.
Dough Bros Boston cream
When I use it, and it is great, I need to clean my coils and rewick daily
Sorry if this sounds dumb but why would any juice clog up a coil more than another? As I understand it, the flavour in juice is just flavour molecules suspended in PG then mixed with VG and more PG, the flavours are not made from real food products like cream custard and sugar they are just molecules manufactured to imitate the natural flavours? Or am I wrong? Not a chemist so no idea. Was just wondering.
Sorry if this sounds dumb but why would any juice clog up a coil more than another? As I understand it, the flavour in juice is just flavour molecules suspended in PG then mixed with VG and more PG, the flavours are not made from real food products like cream custard and sugar they are just molecules manufactured to imitate the natural flavours? Or am I wrong? Not a chemist so no idea. Was just wondering.

I have found myself wondering the very same thing, although I know of a few juices that I have in collection that literally coat/mute a coil in hours, never mind days.
the man at the vape shop said the sweeter the juice the more it burns a coil.
Generally the sweeter & darker a liquid is, the quicker it will kill a coil.

High sweetner/sucralose liquids, stick to the coil and reduce its lifespan.

Avoid mostly American & Malaysian juices :), UK stuff can be just as sweet but generally better.
Quite a few tobacco juices can kill coils, as can coffee flavours, in my experience. Unfortunately, I love tobacco and coffee flavours .... especially sweet ones.

One of the main reasons I started to build my own coils! ;)
Malaysian eliquid have a bad rep for coil killing but a great rep for flavour. I tried putting some fantasi in my crown and it killed it in a day and the flavour was poor compared to my squonker. I will now only ever used Malaysian eliquid in my squonker as it cost pennies to rewick.
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