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Nautilus 2 & 0.7 coil

If the burnt taste goes away, then it seems like maybe you're not leaving enough time between drags to let the cotton re-absorb liquid. If a coil is burnt/expired the burnt taste will stay until you change the coil. Try some primer puffs - take a drag without pressing the fire button. You'll draw air out, and force the coil to replace it with liquid, keeping the coil saturated. Also, I'm not convinced washing coils will help, I know some do it, but I don't personally think it does them any good.
Having used the N2 since I started vaping I have never gone through that many coils, my way of prepping a coil (after using one for two weeks) is to thoroughly clean the N2 by taking it all apart and using only warm water to wash out the old juice, wipe clean and leave it for a little while before putting it back together and then adding my juice which is also 50/50 6mg, put 3 drops of juice into the coil tube and then leave for 20 minutes to make sure it is soaked, then try a vape at 18w and then at 19w then I go up by 0.5 till I reach 21w after a good hour. I have found that if I ramp the wattage up slowly I can make a coil last and still taste good for 2 weeks at least. I have had a burnt taste before when chain vaping but that was when I was using 70/30 12mg.
Ohhh, are you actually supposed to put juice in the centre of the coil as well? I've only done that once and it seem to flood the coil so from then on i only primed the holes at the side.
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