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Need a new MTL tank - recommendations please

A lot here swear by the JAC S17 & S22 kits, depending on coil can both DTL & MTL
Hi all

Need to recommend a new tank for my mum. She's been using a Kanger Mini Protank 3 for a while but is always having problems with the coils getting flooded.

Looking for:

-Mouth to lung tank
-Smallish tank diameter
-510/Ego fit
-Top fill
-Drop in coils

Only tank I can see is the Aspire Nautilus, which is bottom fill and has been out for years..surely there's something newer/better out now?

Nautilus 2 is top fill
Thanks Nick - read some mixed reviews about the Nautilus, with it being fiddly to getting more liquid in and changing coils.

S17 looks like a good option that's not too big - do you know if there's a beauty ring available so that ti matches up to an ego battery? Had a look on the site but can't see anything.
Np if my missus can use a Nautilus 2 if she can use it anyone can believe me she is a total technophobic , but if you really want an ego adaptor I have some, if this is the type you need pm me your address and I will send it to you free.
Hmm just thought it's 510 to ego not ego to 510 might not be what you need.
lol tbh I'm completely lost now.

I use a tobeco super mini and love it..wish I could just get her one of these and be done with it!
Thanks Ste7, looks like a good option but the coils might be too low resistance at 0.8ohm.

I'm thinking a nautilus mini now...and if it's no good or she doesn't like it then I'll go with her to a vape shop so she can see and hopefully try some of the larger kits like the T20.
The T20 has 1.5 coils mate , not sure if your looking at the t20s . I got my wife a T20 kit and it gives decent flavour with a vape/draw that's very similar to a proper smoke .
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