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Need advice please guys


May 14, 2013
I'm looking to spend a bit of saved up cash on a nice mod and tank atty I've been considering a vamo and genesis style but am open to any suggestions on good combos.

i have also been looking on alibaba at the new I-hybrid and I-atty setups but seem a little pricy as I am yet to hear anything about them.

many thanks in advance peeps
With that kinda cash available .. Id be tempted to step up from the vamo ..

a good mod is the base of your vaping, so I would go for say a Sigelei Zmax and an UD AGI or Aga ... if it was me ...

you can always add more atties at a later date .. the zmax will last you a long time .. and is a great mod
It will take 18350 or 18650 batteries and is a lot better built than a vamo.
comes with a charger and 2 batts

the AGI is all at once a genesis atty, a dripper and a silica atty .. and for bang for buck is hard to be beat.

zmax : http://www.vapegear.co.uk/Sigelei_ZMax_Telescope_V3_Flat_Head/p1826719_9481512.aspx

AGI : http://www.safercigs.co.uk/AGI_v2_tank_and_Dripper/p705283_9264581.aspx
Merely to add, the zmax in the link also takes 18500 (like the 4 you've just bought ;)) and is fooking awesome!

I'm using one at the moment, and I really can't fault it! Tis my current fave (and I have quite a few :D)

Haven't tried the AGI, but for a piss easy mesh wick atty, the Smok RSST is also well worth a look, as it is virtually idiot proof... take it from an idiot :D

Good budget though... so you should get quite a few good suggestions :D
I've been considering a vamo

I have a Vamo and wouldn't be without it. Decent kit and not too expensive. Where do they dream up the price of the Provari from at all? Surely it's components can't be any more than are in, say, a hand held computer game or something? It's not what anything is worth these days - it's how much you can get away with charging.
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