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Need advice....

Welcome to the forum. For a non rebuild-able the TFV4 is hard to beat for clouds but you will need to up grade you mod and have shares in a juice company, or mix your own juice!! A RX200 is a great mod for the money, good power and I find the TC to work well. The TFV4 has plenty of different coils available so you should find one that suits you, also has RBA decks available should you ever get the building bug, not the best decks but a starting point, I have the single and dual coil decks and have gone back to the quad coils although these days I mainly use my Griffin tank, as you've joined I'm sure you be on to rebuild-ables soon!!!

I'll probably stick with store bought coils, although I wouldn't mind trying to build a coil to see how it is. I keep seeing the RX200, but I have my eye on the kangertech topbox. You reckon that would be a good mod?
Not familiar with the mod, but a sub tank mini was the beginning of my downfall!!! A reasonable starting point, the mod looks like a pretty standard single battery mod so probable ok, I like my evic mini for a single cell mod and cuboid for a little more power to carry around and keep the RX200 for home use, all have a few more features that would future proof you.
Not familiar with the mod, but a sub tank mini was the beginning of my downfall!!! A reasonable starting point, the mod looks like a pretty standard single battery mod so probable ok, I like my evic mini for a single cell mod and cuboid for a little more power to carry around and keep the RX200 for home use, all have a few more features that would future proof you.

I'd bought my current istick in 40w purely because at the time I had no intention of getting into cloud chasing, I was just vaping to keep off cigarettes.

Then I made the mistake of trying a stores high VG samples and they give you decent mods to use with them too. So that was it, I was away!

Only had my istick for a few weeks and already regretting I hadn't invested in a larger mod. As I said earlier to, the tank isn't airy at all either. Still, live and learn.

One other thing. My mrs has gotten into vaping. She had quit smoking couple of years back, but is now using 0mg high VG. PG doesn't agree with her at all, do can you recommend any decent high VG sites/brands?
I'd bought my current istick in 40w purely because at the time I had no intention of getting into cloud chasing, I was just vaping to keep off cigarettes.
One other thing. My mrs has gotten into vaping. She had quit smoking couple of years back, but is now using 0mg high VG. PG doesn't agree with her at all, do can you recommend any decent high VG sites/brands?

40W is plenty to run most TC coils, you can set the power higher but the mod will immediately drop back down to hold temperature anyway, so there is no point TC vaping >60W in my opinion, but I'm not into massive airflow so I could be wrong. The only setup I've used that struggles to get going at 40W is dual twisted 29g NiFe48 in a dripper, and that's a lot more metal to preheat than anything you'll get in a stock coil.

I don't know much about stock coils, so I can't really help you out with that. I think you get the best out of TC with a good build and would say that if you want to go the TC route, it's better to try building yourself than getting stock coils. It's not really clear what you're after - if you want to try cloud chasing, TC is not what you want in my opinion. For high power cloud chasing with stock coils, probably the newer subohm tanks with clapton coil heads in power mode are the way to go, but I don't know much about that style of vaping.

Re: high VG juice, I would start a separate thread in the Everything Ecigs subforum, more people will see it. Check out Dripworx.
I've used the GS Ni coils and nothing else so far, it's just the airflow feels a little too restricted and I'm drawing a little too hard on it to get a decent sized cloud. What do you use now?

Don't get me wrong it's a great mod. I bought it after my wismec press VV gave up the ghost.

I started with the iStick tc40 with a nautilus mini, then moved on to the kanger subtank mini, which is where my first tinkering with TC coils began, it's much airier than the gs tank I believe (have the gs-mini, but seldom use it), and the subtank mini rba was the starting point from where I started making my own coils. It's one I wood still highly recommend, especially if you find the draw on the gs too restricted. It has a newer version, the toptank mini, which is just as good although the top fill is a bit leaky (can be remedied by sliding a Vape band over the airflow when you refill)

Now I have a number of mods - the evic vtc mini would be a good progression if you get to the point where you find the battery life or the power of the iStick is not cutting it for you. I also have the wismec presa 75tc, which is lovely, if you liked the wismec presa you had. I also have the cuboid (dual battery big daddy of the evic vtc) and the iStick 100tc. However, I tend to have my mods on around 50-60w, and temperature around 450f.

Tanks, I build my own coils, mostly in nife30 these days, always a velocity style deck as easiest to build on, and tanks I use are: crius, aromamizer, smok rdta. They are all very flavoursome tanks that can produce big billowy clouds, although I am more interested in the flavour.

What I like about TC is that the battery life of my mods seems to go much further, and the coils stay cleaner for longer, and I seldom experience a dry hit, although admittedly there is a learning curve with TC. Once you get it running nicely it's lovely. Just a lot of people give up before getting to that point.
Great posts. 40 watts will get it done, as dan says. For me it's right on the cusp of effective TC vaping though. 45 watts is significantly better and 50-55 is usually super-effective. 40 watts is fine though and will let you get a decent and cloudy warm vape on the airier tanks, no question. I'd go one step further than dan and say building your own coils is vital in TC vaping. Some 29 gauge Stealthvape NiFe30 and a 2.5mm screwdriver and you'll have no trouble rigging up a nice dual coil master blaster, or something.
Great posts. 40 watts will get it done, as dan says. (........)

I'm with Mr Numpty on this. OK, I do own an RX200, but right now it's running 33 watts on dual kanthal claptons at 0.56 ohms. Great flavour and clouds enough to fog up the cabin in the boat I live on. I think using Steam Engine to match coils to your available wattage is the way to go and in my experience (notwithstanding the occasional failure I'm sure we all experience) buiding your own coils produces much more satisfying results.
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