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Need help unwrapping a coil and rewrapping it

Im gonna have trouble with that with any wire thinner than the height of the winding screw ill bet, oh well, gonna try it anyway

Edit n/m, i see they come with different height screws
Need to find a spool of ss316L 3-30/38. That would solve the issue
@JohnnyAce btw dude, i finally got a chance to use the shoestring cotton from fasttech i asked u about a few months back (u probably dont remember)...all i can say is superb...seems a little thick for 3mm coils, but a tiny bit of thinning and the stuff is awesome. Better than cotton bacon by far.

That combined with ss coils and i can actually vape a rebuildable without gagging
Alright, THANK YOU GUYS! Still havent got my intake working without spitting. Was about to give up on claptons altogether.

Just made a 4mm very spaced coil out of some 2-28/38 for my zeus, ran the 3mm shoelace cotton thru it, fit perfectly, no spit back(at least not into my mouth), no dry hits, tank doesnt get hot, tastes good. easy peazy nice and easy, FINALLY!
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