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New and don'want to blow my face off!!!


May 3, 2014
I quit smoking cigarettes in March and a couple of people around me vaped so I got some advice on what to get so I purchased an SVD Kit. I then wasn't impressed with the carto that came with it because they were unreliable. Some would last for a couple days and others would last a week then occasionally you get a bad one so you waste juice, money and time setting up a new one.

I then purchased the Tiafun GT. The thought of making my own coils appealed to my pocket. 4 dollars opposed to 30 for several weeks of vaping.

The SVD began having intermittent problems with the fire button and would shut down from time to time, of course after 14 day warranty the shop gives. I got a mechanical, a M16 clone. I played around with different lower ohm builds since i was able to fire them now. The SVD wont fire low ohm. Probably for a good reason.

I started using up juice that was collecting from trial and error purchases and used the carto that came with the kit and found that changing the wattage changed the flavors

Now I am all kind of screwed up. I have several different gages of Kanthal. I have been using organic cotton for wicks. I didn't like the silica wicks they gave you with the kit.

Oh, I recently purchased a Patriot RDA and am trying to learn different coils (gravedigger, micro, dragon, crazy 8) I would like to get a Kayfun 3.1 and possibly an AL1. I wouldn't mind trying a top coil.

With all of these options I am beginning to think I might have an accident getting confused about the wire gage + wraps. I don't want accidents. My profession is safety management so I can't show up on Monday missing an eye. If anyone can offer any advice I would appreciate it. My career rests in your hands!
Maybe not.
Aloha man, never heard of a battery exploding while vaping, usually they have had issues from improper use or storage (overheating, being dropped etc), you can also get the protected batteries which stop some of those issues (but since your using a VV/VW mod your setup has a chip which does this, protected would be for mechanical mods really).
Get an ohm reader (unless the svd has one built in)? and know the amp limit of your batteries. As long as you dont exceed the amp limit by going too low on ohms you should be fine.

I find this site very useful

Steam Engine | free vaping calculators

The SVD is protected so it won't blow up, that's why it won't fire if the ohms on your coils are too low.
Hi there. if you're building coils you need a multimeter and you need to know and understand your batteries limitations. after that it's all good.
Thanks everyone. Some comments:
I recently purchased an ohm reader. I will now begin logging my coil data as far as diameter, gage and wraps.
The SVD does read ohms but only to 0.1. Anything lower won't come up. Not saying I want anything lower. I built a coil for the M16 and put it on the SVD and it read 0.0.
I would like to use the mech but it seems when I put in a fresh battery it burns the liquid. Then after a while it hits a sweet spot for a while then goes low. Not really consistent.
The batteries I have are EFEST IMR 18650 3.7V Li-Mn 2250 mAh and EFEST IMR 18650 3.7V Li-Mn 2500 mAh and also says High Drain Rechargeable 35A. Which should be used with the Mech?

I appreciate all help I can get.
A meter to measure resistance also makes a great build deck, it's worth splashing out a tenner for that...and it's always good to know if you're good to go before firing up.
Thanks, can you recommend any batteries to use for my mech? I would like to try dripping.
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