Hi and welcome to the planet.
Coolfire is a great mod but I've not used the tank before.
You say you have to buy cotton every week, so do you build your own coils. A quick search shows this tank uses a couple of coils. Do you mean the coils are burning out each week.
What wattage are you using on the mod and which juice are you using including the VG/Pg ratio.
This has to be asked as we've seen new users have the settings on max and in wrong mode so that could be why you are having to change so often.
Almost all tanks have a 510 connection so will fit the coolfire.[/QUO
I have only changed the coil once in 6 months when it burnt out, I normally have to clean it out, take out the old piece of burnt/used cotton & put a new bit of cotton in (this can be 3/4 times a week so I dont get the burnt taste). I used this for 6 months without having a smoke but it became to easy to run downstairs and buy a packet of fags instead of going into town to the vape shop. The coil you just buy from the shop and screw it in. 10.5 W is what the guy in the shop said to keep it on. The juice they sell me is made by them, its not a "brand" named one as such. VG 30% PG 70% 12 MG/ML. All I want is a tank where I dont have to muck around with so much, plastic mouth piece instead of stainless steel. I see them on other peoples but I have no idea...
Also I dont seem to have so much vape coming out when exhaling? Wether thats just me again I dont know. Its a shame as I have gone back to it now & feel great not smoking, not even needing a cigarette & I just dont want to go back to them like last time. I enjoy vaping more than a cigarette & want to continue without the hassle, I get I need to clean the tank and all that which is fine, I would get two if I new what to get.