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New Forum and FAQs!!!

@OccultScientist are the login woes supposed to be fixed? Mine is acting up worse than ever. Instead of having to clear cookies every time I log in, I'm having to do it a few times a session. I can't find the post about how to fix it, but I thought it wasjust a case of log out, clear cookies, log in again and should be ok? Not working for me...
Well some of you may have noticed I'm not about as much.
That's mainly because this new forum is being a grade a pain in the backside for me.
I can't just log in anymore. I have to go back to the POTV front page and log out, then sometimes, if I'm very lucky I can log in on the forum, but more often it's back into the iPad setting to clear the cache. It's become a real chore.
Any tips?
Loving the app.so easy to navigate around here.good work to all involved and thanks for bringing us such a great forum.
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