Being the complete Dinosaur that I am, it always makes me smile to myself whenever I see topics about someone potentially getting their first Mech and asking hundreds of questions regarding safety etc as they all seem to be under the allusion that they WILL "Blow their faces/Hands/Fingers off".
So why do I smile? Not because I wish anyone any form of harm, but it is this strange belief that a Mech is such a dangerous device.
Back when we first started out, unless one had pretty deep pockets, a Regulated Mod was pretty much out of reach financially. "Most" of us started in similar ways, usually an eGo Battery with a CE4 on top, then upgrading to a "Spinner" Battery........... imagine the sense of adventure........ Variable Wattage!!!!
We were by then usually discussing the likes of the Vivi Nova Tank and the more adventurous of us were learning our wicking craft on similar devices. Silica Wick was still the thing back then and in many ways I suppose, I owe it a debt of gratitude as it was how I first got into building.
To me archaic way of thinking back then, a Regulated Mod had the potential to become an expensive Paper Weight far more quickly than any Mech Mod. Too much to go wrong, or wear out, which could then render said Mod as useless, something that could not happen any where near as quickly with a well maintained Mech.
BUT......... Do remember, we were talking about some fairly awful Mods back then and despite their high price points, they weren't exactly wonderful. Things such as the original MPV came along and things improved to a large extent and in many respects, I would still consider that as the first Affordable Regulated Mod that we saw. Yes, it was only Variable Wattage, but that was exciting back then. The MVP2 introduced us to Variable Ohmage as well and in many respects, we were off and running.
We both staunchly avoided such devices, Carol was actually given and original MVP, in fact, it's still here somewhere, but she was never comfortable with it, much preferring he Nemesis and then ultimately her Atmizoo Labs and the amazing Mecha b0d. For my part, I was into Nemesis, b0d and then my wonderful Mor Crann Mechs.
However, time and circumstances have a way of changing one's outlook? I still use Mechs exclusively for Squonking. Yes, some "may" argue that a Mosfet Switch renders them as a Hybrid, but for me, if there is no Chip/Board, call it what you will, it's a Mech. I do have another Regulated Squonker arriving supposedly, but that was got because it is a historical piece of kit as far as squonking goes. Mind you, it has yet to see the light of day here, so one day perhaps I will talk more about that one,
I do use Regulated, i.e. The Billet Box etc, but am more than happy to return to the simplicity and longevity of my Mechs.