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Hello & welcome firstly are you using a 70/30 liquid or 50/50. Anyway the juice getting in your mouth is usually because the wattage is too low, it should have recommendations etched onto the coil.
I’m using 70/30 liquid
Hi @Kooldude and welcome to the planet.
could be a number of things but usually as mentioned above its either wrong ratio juice or too low wattage.
which ohm coil are you using and at what wattage.
strangely enough with a different tank the same happened to me yesterday. first few puffs ok and then a few mins later mouthfull of juice. thats a flooded coil but it turned out to be a faulty coil as no matter how tight i screwed it in it would flood within 5 mins. change to new coil and all working fine again.
Maybe I need to upgrade my coils and I’m not really getting much flavour from the juice
Hello and Welcome to POTV. The wattage printed on Coils is recommended, it doesn't mean you have to run the Coil at that wattage. I usually use Rebuildable Tanks and it's a long time since i had juice in my Mouth. I would agree with @Mutley1 and say your Wattage is Too low.
Hello & welcome firstly are you using a 70/30 liquid or 50/50. Anyway the juice getting in your mouth is usually because the wattage is too low, it should have recommendations etched onto the coil.
Should I run it at the minimum or maximum or in between
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