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New SQuape rta coming soon

I got one delivered today and it’s great, I love the throat hit on the Nduro and this is even better. Not sure I understand the criticism of having to put it on a mod before taking the top off? Just start your build 0.003 seconds earlier
Got mine today too and it's been great so far. Super easy build and wick, flavour has been spot on, throat hit spot on. No complaints from me. DTL left a bit to be desired, but MTL has been great. Less hassle than all the reviews seem to make out too. Better experience than the KF 2019 and EVL for me. Like the option of going RDL whenever i want too even if it's not my ideal DTL.

Overall very happy with it. Only downer is the fact they don't include the MTL drip tip as standard. For the cost that should 100% have been in there.
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