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New to diy


May 10, 2014
Hi all

I have just made my first two diy batches. I have left them for 5 days but the vape is really harsh compared to liquid I purchase.

I'm using 18mg nicotine at 72mg. I am using 2.5ml per 10ml which is the correct calculation but after more than 1 toot it really hurts my throat.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

FYI I am using vapable nicotine and it is pg based.
What concentrates did you use?Perhaps they need more time to tone down a bit
Yup some flavourings need more time, you could try leaving the bottle open to the air without the nozzle for 24 hours which may help.
Hi guys

I am using 6 to 7% for flavourings. I was thinking it could be the nicotine? Is vapable nicotine good quality?
I've found certain concentrates to be very harsh even mixed at 3mg.
I left them to steep a couple weeks and found they'd mellowed nicely.
@Chunky18 to eliminate the possibility that it is the nicotine make a small batch of unflavoured then you will know if the concentrates just need more steeping... you can always use up the unflavoured in another mix with flavours at some point as well...
@Chunky18 to eliminate the possibility that it is the nicotine make a small batch of unflavoured then you will know if the concentrates just need more steeping... you can always use up the unflavoured in another mix with flavours at some point as well...
Good idea I will do this.

Still unsure of the whole DIY, got a feeling I will end up selling all my items.
@Chunky18 when you get it how you want it it is very well worth the effort... look around for a few ideas/recipes or standalone flavours to start with as they can be easier than just experimenting (which is largely what i do though) it can and should also work out significantly cheaper than ready made juices and if the government adds tax to everything vape related once the TPD comes in in May this year I believe then will be really helpful if you can make your own from supplies already laid down....
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