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New to squonking

Or??????? if your a dual coil big air nut like me?? Stick a Goon or a Druga on there. Dual Nichrome, 24 awg, 8 coils , 3mm Id............... blissssssssssssssssssssssss
Welcome to the world of Squonking :)

Only my opinion and experiences so take with a pinch of salt but firstly I've found that some squonkers struggle with real low builds and big coils compared to my mechs so I tend to build accordingly.

I don't know why but I always seem to stuff more wick into my squonking builds.

My fav squonking rda's are...

A tighter dtl rda I've not tried anything that comes close to the snapdragon from eden mods for flavour.

A middle of the road dtl rda is a GP Pro dripper.

The goon is still my fav for clouds and a airy dtl.

Good luck finding something that suits.


They all seem different, some pins are very flush with the base of the juice well, some protrude so will not suck it all back down to the bottle allowing for shorter wicks.
Skywalker is flush so I tend to keep hold when I squeeze to give the wicking a fighting chance to suck some juice up.
Thanks to everyone that has replied! Really appreciate all the advice! I've decided on the hadaly, one of the lads who works at the local B&M has one and I had a go on it and it seems like such an awesome BF rda! Will be ordering a authentic one when I'm home from work! Also a friend of mine gave me a druga clone with bf pin to use on my ocotopus and I have to say this squonking buisness is amazing! Can't see my self going back to single 18650 mechs anytime soon!
Thanks to everyone that has replied! Really appreciate all the advice! I've decided on the hadaly, one of the lads who works at the local B&M has one and I had a go on it and it seems like such an awesome BF rda! Will be ordering a authentic one when I'm home from work! Also a friend of mine gave me a druga clone with bf pin to use on my ocotopus and I have to say this squonking buisness is amazing! Can't see my self going back to single 18650 mechs anytime soon!
That's that then, you have gone straight to the very best for flavour. L'Octopus and Hadaly pairing takes some beating.
Just because no one mentioned it, among the recent burst of BF-ready atties, I found a winner with the Gorge.
If you like the Goon, I'd pick up one of these - it's pretty "big air".
Comes with BF pin, comes with SS cap and Ultem cap, comes with wide-bore Ultem tip.
Single coil in the middle - air channelled right at the coil (like a NarDA or an O-atty).
Really nice for $25...
@butlerd yes mate I'm absolutely loving this set up :) even my wife who isn't fond of the whole vape scene said that is a good looking mod haha.

@Train2 that looks the nuts! Will deffo look into one of them!
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