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New Yachtvape Pandora Bellcap

Update: Well well well, according to the Royal Mail tracking numbers, my two 3fvape orders should be here on the 10th. Not bad considering they were ordered last week. So if all goes smoothly, i'll be updating this thread around then aswell as reviewing the Intake MTL RTA I ordered from them too.
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After 3 ultrasonic washes, a few extra with warm water & fairy liquid, and twice with some denture tablets, I still can't quite get rid of the last flavour John R had through his tank before I bought it :lol1:

Some kinda 'caramely' flavour?

Next step is to drip some menthol into the airholes on the deck & just use it for my peppermint mix.

And maybe I should replace the orings too.

I do like the look of the Pandora with a glass tank though. Might pick one of these up eventually.

edit - or not. Thought they were made from glass, but no it's pc...
Surprisingly for me, I found that NET tobacco or at least the one I was vaping got rid of the aniseed from the Red A I was vaping prior. Usually it takes so many bloody rinses to get that aniseed out of my tanks.
Smear n soak/cover the whole thing in tomato sauce for 30 mins..... clean thoroughly
Cheers for that
Ordered a couple to try
Let me know how you go bud.
I've the kayfun lite update to buy first but I'd love to switch the pandoras to bottom fill.
Bottom fill would solve the occasional mop up I reckon that I get with them
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