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New Yachtvape Pandora Bellcap


i don’t see how that would work. you’d be pouring the liquid down the chimney.

we need more bottom fillers. they are the way forward.
Stars and stones - we agree again
Bottom fill would solve the occasional mop up I reckon that I get with them
Agree. A minor issue sorted with bottom fill. I don't bother with top full unless I have to.
Loving that evolv pod by the way. Can't fault the little bugger. Just topped it up ready to face the weekly shop. Genius thing.
Looks nice enough...
No gurgling either. Smooth vape. Just an improvement on a pretty good rta
I agree with @chrisd2k, it looks good and it improves the overall experience. I haven't put my Pandora down since putting one of these on.
I am thinking of ordering one of these from 3fvape as well.
My experience with the pandora has been very bad.Only Dry Hits. Been using the Pioneer instead. Got 3 of them now.

Maybe this bell cap could solve my issues.Dont want to give up on the pandora without trying this.

What shipping option did you guys use?
China Uk Special, UK Special or Euro Special Airmail.

Does anyone have a spare black one? which they want to sell?
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