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Newb from Bristol

I saw Rob doing the same thing with a guys ego last weekend, could have quite easily turned a profit and sold a new one but he did it free of charge. unfortunately i had my other half with me at the time who is still new to the idea of vaping and after blowing 25 notes on juice i couldn't subject her to a MVP on top of it, damn the wedding funds limiting me

Vaping is for life, marriage is........well just till the divorce :( MVP wins I am afraid :lol1: (Not that I am bitter and twisted!)
Vaping is for life, marriage is........well just till the divorce :( MVP wins I am afraid :lol1: (Not that I am bitter and twisted!)

i would agree on the mvp's priority but i daren't l let her hear me!

Hiya and welcome :) I'm spending a fair bit of time down Bristol way at the moment and a car boot sale in Clifton sounds like a mighty good way to kill some time on Sunday morning. Bet there's some good stuff there :)

not been to it before but its located on the other side of the suspension bridge to clifton town, by the cricket club according to their website. fingers crossed for some goodies http://www.cliftoncarbootsale.com/
Can't say I have gone to that market in some years...I might actually walk the dogs up there this week and let ya know. it has downsized as its held in Horfield sports centre car park these days
I stand corrected (thanks to Google) Southmead market doesn't exist at all now. Bummer
the only market i know of in the area is the farmers market in westbury on trym and i dont see them stocking e liquids!
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