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Newbie choice of three tanks.

Right am all new to this and once this forum popped up really wanted to jump in on the action. I have picked three tanks that seem to get a lot of talk and want to know which would be the best for a beginner. I have 200-400 mesh and lowest gauge wire I have is 0.35 kanthal. Thanks :)

!. Nextiny Clone SXK
2. In'ax Clone
3. Le zephr Clone SXK
Le Zephyr would get my vote...
All three are brilliant. The nextiny is good to get you started I think. Le Zephyr gives you way more airflow options. There will surely be an in'ax mk3 clone, so wait for that. The mk3 is better than the mk2.

In short, get all three. You will anyway, in the end. ;)
@gabianovape87 You are well versed in the delights of building Sophias, A Nextiny or NextGen will hold NO horrors for you at all, believe me on this!
If it were me? I'd look long and hard at this...... http://www.provapes.co.uk/collections/tanks/products/nextiny

Brilliant company to deal with, fast delivery, and a GREAT little Clone :2thumbsup: I know......... I have one.:)
I've got my virgin build on the kraken( thanks guys for recommending dual coil. That wasn't a pain in the arse at all). Best I save some pennies for a nextiny as I've won myself some mechs to help me,along.
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