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Newbie from Southampton

Hello, and welcome. Great choice on the MVP 2.0, I just purchased one for my sister, didn't want to waste money on a cheap one she wouldn't use.
Welcome this is defo the place to be :)

Keep up the good work and you will be fine :)
Hi Sally and welcome you say local shop could you tell me where please I looked everywhere in West Sussex and have found none many thanks
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for the warm welcome.

To those members who mentioned that the MVP V2 was a good choice, I'd just like to say that it was a bit of a no-brainer. I was offered an basic Ego kit but I had noticed that the MVP was on sale for only £5 more. It just made more sense to buy something that has variable voltage/variable wattage because, once I found my preferred setting (watts), it doesn't matter which atty I use the vape 'should' be the same.
Hi Sally and welcome you say local shop could you tell me where please I looked everywhere in West Sussex and have found none many thanks

Hi Dazza,
I have used 2 local shops in Southampton:

[h=2]Southampton Electronic Cigarette Supplies http://southamptonecigs.co.uk
GruvEcigs http://gruvecigs.co.uk
[/h]You might also like to look at this map of UK Bricks & Mortar shops https://maps.google.co.uk /maps/ms?msid=215709227017751563123.0004e116abe884acfc184&msa=0&ll=56.0475

Hope this helps
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for the warm welcome.

To those members who mentioned that the MVP V2 was a good choice, I'd just like to say that it was a bit of a no-brainer. I was offered an basic Ego kit but I had noticed that the MVP was on sale for only £5 more. It just made more sense to buy something that has variable voltage/variable wattage because, once I found my preferred setting (watts), it doesn't matter which atty I use the vape 'should' be the same.

See now I must say about the attys that they all do vary slightly on a single mod. I've use tanks, CE4&5, and aspire BDC, but my mini protank 2 is the best performer. Plus with it being glass you get no problem from certain juices and it has replaceable coils/wicks like the Aspire.
Anyway just a bit of help, but welcome to the planet, it's great here. I'm pretty new too (3 months) and still learning everyday.
See now I must say about the attys that they all do vary slightly on a single mod. I've use tanks, CE4&5, and aspire BDC, but my mini protank 2 is the best performer. Plus with it being glass you get no problem from certain juices and it has replaceable coils/wicks like the Aspire.
Anyway just a bit of help, but welcome to the planet, it's great here. I'm pretty new too (3 months) and still learning everyday.

Thanks for the info, but over the past few weeks I've done even more research and with the help of tutorials from people like Phil Busardo (http://www.tasteyourjuice.com)and Todd (http://www.toddsreviews.com) I decided to buy a Kayfun 3.1 (clone). I spent the weekend winding micro coils and failing miserably. Until that is I visited Vapourmax shop in Bournmouth where a kind young man gave me some more Kanthal. Of course I had to reciprocate and I bought myself some Triphammer T&H Prime (http://www.triphammer.co.uk). I've been vaping it all day and it is so much better than the clearos that I had been using.
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