Hi Sally and welcome you say local shop could you tell me where please I looked everywhere in West Sussex and have found none many thanks
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for the warm welcome.
To those members who mentioned that the MVP V2 was a good choice, I'd just like to say that it was a bit of a no-brainer. I was offered an basic Ego kit but I had noticed that the MVP was on sale for only £5 more. It just made more sense to buy something that has variable voltage/variable wattage because, once I found my preferred setting (watts), it doesn't matter which atty I use the vape 'should' be the same.
See now I must say about the attys that they all do vary slightly on a single mod. I've use tanks, CE4&5, and aspire BDC, but my mini protank 2 is the best performer. Plus with it being glass you get no problem from certain juices and it has replaceable coils/wicks like the Aspire.
Anyway just a bit of help, but welcome to the planet, it's great here. I'm pretty new too (3 months) and still learning everyday.