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Newbie from Southampton

Hi Sally, i'm from Soton too and have used to use the totally wicked guy in Bitterne, got fed up forking out for coils and juice though so have started making my own.
Morning Maam,
Glad to see you join the ranks, and on parade!
Excellent choice with the MVP, i have one, amongst others, it's a shiny thing, being ex army, need any help at all you can always give me a shout, but it sounds like you know what you're doing, well done on making the break though.

Morning Maam,
Glad to see you join the ranks, and on parade!
Excellent choice with the MVP, i have one, amongst others, it's a shiny thing, being ex army, need any help at all you can always give me a shout, but it sounds like you know what you're doing, well done on making the break though.


Thanks Sarg, I know about the shiny thing ex RAF here, Sgt Sally
Hi Everyone,
My name is Sally and I been a nicotine addict for the past 50 years. On the 20th December I made the decision to give up burning tobacco and get my nicotine another way. I've tried cigalikes in the past but they didn't do anything for me. So doing a lot of research, I decided to buy myself an Innokin MVP V2 as an early Christmas present. I popped along to a local shop that was selling them and bought it along with a stock of tobacco flavoured ejuice and I haven't looked back.

welcome to the forum sally - I was on the fags for 17 years and I haven't looked back either I quit in october and I've got really into vaping and rebulding and mixing to start soon
hi sally tried out the shops and picked up some really good bits and some bits i didn't even think i would buy the best was totally wicked in southampton great friend service they are moving soon and i can't wait for the new shop
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