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Newbie saying hi


Feb 19, 2014
Been vaping nearly a year now. Started on cigalikes, moved to novas. Recently got a vtr and a davide tank and I've just started rebuilding on a smok scar and an anyvape rba (anyvape gamma). Loving the rebuilding but wish they were more portable. And I wish some decent budget 19mm tanks were available. Might try a dream next since that fits in the vtr, not sure since I'm liking the dual coils.
Hi & welcome Bob

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How do you like the Davide?

I love the way they look but I feel that parts for the Kanger stuff is more avaliable/cheaper?

^^ The Kanger PT2 Mini is almost identical to Mini Davide they even use the same coil. The PT2 is easier fill though.
Thanks everyone. I have the davide with the aspire heads. I really like it apart from one thing. It doesn't like my favourite juice which is 80% vg and very thick. Using a mainly pg juice it's great. Not masses of vapour but still plenty and a really good flavour. It also uses far less juice than my iclear 30s does or my novas used to.

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Hi Bob & :welcome2: to POTV!

Congrats on getting off the cigs and joining the mass of vapers :D A great friendly bunch here :D
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