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Newsflash: Another public meeting - on ecigs!


Sep 6, 2012
Hi, all,

ECITA has been invited to a public meeting with the European Parliament, specifically to discuss ecigs.

It's on 19th March, and we will keep you all posted.

We plan to ask Clive Bates and the EP about whether or not he could be invited as an independent expert.

Good news! :)


This is great! By having another meeting it means they are listening at least a little bit!!!
Excellent news Katherine! I wish you the best of luck (not that you need it in any way, shape or form), and would also like to say a huge personal "thank you" for everything you are doing "behind the scenes", and keeping us informed. As a trade association, you have no need to do so - and that makes it all the more appreciated.

One thing for certain - it's keeping my panic levels under control - and as a result, I've managed to resist the urge to but another litre of nic base this month! :D
Ethelking, I focussed my attention on the vendors, and set up ECITA, because I had a hunch back in 2009 that it would need the industry to buck up its ideas and get its house in order if I and everyone else - as CONSUMERS - who wanted to vape were going to be able to keep on having access to the products we want. Personally, that's always been my focus. As it happens, I have developed a huge amount of respect for the vendors in this industry - both inside and out of ECITA - along the way, but ultimately, this whole thing is about saving lives. I don't want other kids to be asking (10 years after the event - yes, still!) 'Why did Daddy have to die? It's not fair!'

It's NOT fair. It was the most cataclysmic event I could ever imagine.

THAT'S why I do what I do - so it's pretty selfish really! lol

Also, I do hate to see the community - who don't necessarily have a full understanding of the machinations of this awful political cycle we have all been tortuously riding for so long - panic buying, and enduring the fear of not knowing what the (potentially) evil powers-that-be might do. I have NO wish to stay quiet and drum up more sales. (And no, I don't sell ecigs!) I find it very alarming when people start talking about trying to get hold of sources of illegal nicotine, in dangerous strengths, when they clearly don't understand the risks.

All in all, I'd rather keep in touch - as far as I can - and let people know what actions we are taking to try to ensure continued supplies, with the wide range of choices we are all currently enjoying. And that doesn't mean 'only from ECITA members'! ;)

Thank you all so much for your support. It's great to know that you agree with our approach. I've been pretty stubborn about holding this course for nearly 4 years now. And yes, I'm set in my ways, and yes, I believe it will achieve the best possible outcome for EVERYONE, and no, I'm unlikely to suddenly develop much flexibility, I'm afraid. ;) The MHRA can tell me the sky is green until they are blue in the face, but it won't make ecigs a medicine....



I spoke to Clive today, and it might be possible to suggest it to the EP that he be brought in, but he is in no way affiliated with this industry, and that would have to be made very clear, so we'll see.

Also, I should have mentioned earlier that we are not the only representatives invited to this meeting, since one of our German friends, representing another group of vendors, will also be there.

It certainly seems like a step in the right direction though. :)
Ethelking, I focussed my attention on the vendors, and set up ECITA, because I had a hunch back in 2009 that it would need the industry to buck up its ideas and get its house in order if I and everyone else - as CONSUMERS - who wanted to vape were going to be able to keep on having access to the products we want. Personally, that's always been my focus. As it happens, I have developed a huge amount of respect for the vendors in this industry - both inside and out of ECITA - along the way, but ultimately, this whole thing is about saving lives. I don't want other kids to be asking (10 years after the event - yes, still!) 'Why did Daddy have to die? It's not fair!'

It's NOT fair. It was the most cataclysmic event I could ever imagine.

THAT'S why I do what I do - so it's pretty selfish really! lol

Also, I do hate to see the community - who don't necessarily have a full understanding of the machinations of this awful political cycle we have all been tortuously riding for so long - panic buying, and enduring the fear of not knowing what the (potentially) evil powers-that-be might do. I have NO wish to stay quiet and drum up more sales. (And no, I don't sell ecigs!) I find it very alarming when people start talking about trying to get hold of sources of illegal nicotine, in dangerous strengths, when they clearly don't understand the risks.

All in all, I'd rather keep in touch - as far as I can - and let people know what actions we are taking to try to ensure continued supplies, with the wide range of choices we are all currently enjoying. And that doesn't mean 'only from ECITA members'! ;)

Thank you all so much for your support. It's great to know that you agree with our approach. I've been pretty stubborn about holding this course for nearly 4 years now. And yes, I'm set in my ways, and yes, I believe it will achieve the best possible outcome for EVERYONE, and no, I'm unlikely to suddenly develop much flexibility, I'm afraid. ;) The MHRA can tell me the sky is green until they are blue in the face, but it won't make ecigs a medicine....



That is very moving Katherine - again, thank you.

I personally feel that the work you are putting in, and the information you are putting out is taking vaping in totally the right direction. If, at any point in the future you need people to help out with anything - please feel free to ask - it would be a pleasure (not that I can think of anything off hand I could do!). I've said elsewhere on the forum that I have reached a point where I am willing to stand up and be counted as I believe that the government approach to vaping is way off the mark and will cause a great deal more harm than good. If your reasons are "selfish", then a huge amount of good will come out of that "selfishness", and I for one will support you in whatever way I can.


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