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Nicotine question


Jul 21, 2014
I bought a litre bottle of 50/50 base with 6mg Nic from Vapebase.de (i should have bought a higher percentage of nic, rookie newbie mistake as my target strenth of 6% nic will now be 4.8% or something)

I have a bottle of 30ml Red Astaire concentrate

Does this look right? 25.5ml base and 4.5ml RA outputting 4.5% nic.


When i bought PG/VG and nic seperately i used these measurements:

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I bought a litre bottle of 50/50 base with 6mg Nic from Vapebase.de (i should have bought a higher percentage of nic, rookie newbie mistake as my target strenth of 6% nic will now be 4.8% or something)

I have a bottle of 30ml Red Astaire concentrate

Does this look right? 25.5ml base and 4.5ml RA outputting 4.5% nic.


When i bought PG/VG and nic seperately i used these measurements:


Think you mean 22.5ml of base per the calculation you attached, as this is 75% of your 30ml mix then yes it will give you 4.5% Nic in your new mix (6mg x 75% = 4.5m).

I have bought ready mixed Nic before although it was at 7.5% nic allowing for 20% flavour. Personally I prefer them seperate even if I mix my own ready base as I have more control and freedom to mix what I want. Generally I don't bother with additional PG, but that's down to personal taste, what TH you want and your equipment.
Highest I can get it is 5mg by playing with the output ratio of PG/VG

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