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nicotine weight loss

I've dropped 3 stone as well, although I've been following a strict daily calorie total, but I reckon it's stopped me snacking.
now then this is interesting has anybody lost weght and stopped a lot of snacking ,i have been vaping about a month now and usually a bit of a snacker due to boredom but since i have been vaping i don't seem to snack as often just more vaping it must be the lovely after taste effect like redbull flavour just seems like you drunk a redbull ,vannila custard etc ,we know smokers and nicotine keep off weight but not like the vaping does i dont seem to crave food now ,,,also this is interesting

I was a fat cow before I started vaping... still a fat cow now after vaping for a few years.

Puts me in mind of an episode of Rab C Nesbitt. Paraphrasing a bit here, but goes along these lines:

Rab goes to the doctor for a check up and doc says 'Gods man you're a disgrace. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I watch what I eat and I take regular exercise and because of this, I still have the same waist size as I had when I was 21'

Rab replies 'Aye, so have I... I've always been a fat bastard!' ;)
'Fat' is a misleading term, I prefer 'extensive and exciting terrain to explore'
It's 'helped' me. I gave up smoking, drinking and junk food around the same time. I started exercising, eating healthily and vaping instead. I wouldn't say it's directly responsible but it's definitely helped. I've lost 6 1/2 stone.

The other good thing is that my vaping goodies cost nowhere near as much as my previous habits so the shinyitis is not a major issue!
Lost five stone in 12 months thanks to vaping.
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