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Review NJOY Freebie



View attachment 15655
View attachment 15656

Disclaimer: My opinion and stuff, not that of this website, so listen here folks

So I got this as a freebie from NJOY, kind of like I got the Vype. This one is menthol and it didnt come in a nice black bubble wrap package like the Vype did.... but theres a big difference between THIS and Vype... this one actually has a taste!

So while I am puffing away on it... having to suck too hard to get vape, there IS vapour and a good amount of it.

Certainly a gooden for beginners, packaging is just like Vype's its NOT child proof and it can be operated by a child, unlike Linda's stupid TPD amendments want.

Only con, really? Just one. I makes me want a Newport cig, REALLY BADLY.
I have one on order for the missus, ordered the 24th/Nov. Me thinks the postie has nicked it :) I do not think that it would have worked for me but hopefully it helps my wife. If it ever gets here.
I got the gold one and actually enjoyed the tobacco like taste from it. If only you could buy a tobacco juice that tasted like it.
yep I got the gold one, not bad I had a few puffs then gave it my mum as she still uses cigalikes :)
yes I like the design of the vype and the ease of puffing on it, but I prefer the taste of the njoy.... if someone could only make one that was a mix between the two
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