Double edged sword with that suggestion though. Firstly people needing to switch will look for electronic cigarettes not other terms, the term ecig is simple for those not in the know to find info for whereas pretty much any terminology will confuse.
Remove the ease of accessibility for people to find zed you lose loads of good vendors who no longer get the trade - ebay hawkers will still use the ecig term and will get that business.
Personally I do not think the term ecig should be blamed for these woes. They are, in fact an electronic cigarette or variant of at least for most people - not just those that have moved to mods.
The problem is with the lawmakers and the way they twist legislation for their own purposes or the way they turn the very people ego use devices against a term just to try and find a bit of distance.
The reason it's toxic is because of the name, I'm not blaming it I'm simply stating fact. By including cigarette in the title of a product you link it with something which is now regarded alongside Jimmy Saville, drink driving and the soap opera Eldorado.
People look for ecigs because that is what they are currently called. No one now walks into a shop and asks where the Marathon bars are. Names get changed for a reason - and this one is crying out for change.