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Noob to mechs and cloudchasing

Hi all, this may sound like a dim question, but other than the obvious giant dense clouds, what are the benefits of this sort of set up? Are there any benefits to the flavour you get?
I'll vouch for 26650's, I use them and with dual coils at 0.3 ohms, they last almost 2 days compared to my VTC4's which vary from just 6 hours to about 12-14 hours.

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Cheers for the help guys, will deffo give the 26650's a go x

Honest answer? Too expensive for what you get. If you don't mind the wait, get the copper nemesis from ft, plus either an omega, or igo m. Get a decent charger, trustfires are known for... well.... fires.
Realistically, you could get the copper nemesis, igo m, luc charger, 2 batterues, and have change. Yes you have the wait, but oh well :)
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+ 1 for the igo and copper nem. I'm just waiting for another copper nem from slowtech. Had to buy another. Along with special fried rice. Our local takeaway is f""king slow.

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M-Vapes on the forum do a nice Nemesis in copper,can be logo/etching free,is very nicely polished,is faster than FT by a margin of 1 billion.
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