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Not sure which mod to buy


Aug 27, 2013
Well I am and I'm not... I had the Sigelei Zmax V3 kit in the basket, almost hit checkout and then had a bit of a wobble. Then I decided I was sure, went to click checkout again and chickened out for the second time, so decided to ask here first just to re-assure myself.

I think it's what I want, I've watched 5 or 6 reviews and couldn't find anything that put me off it. But I can't help feeling like I'll get it and then find something better.

I have only one real requirement, whatever I get can't be too delicate. It's not a matter of if it gets dropped but more a when as I'm prone to moments of unbelievable clumsiness that would make Frank Spencer look well co-ordinated! Price wise I'd rather not go over the £100 mark for the lot (including battery/s charger), but obviously would prefer to spend less :)
doooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Its a good mod!
Had mine for a couple of weeks it's excellent, no crapola threads like the vamo
im also soooo tempted by it... marketplace has full kit with batteries tank and charger for 61. .. But as i have only 70 in my pp and want some juice too i keep holding out as i have some other payments due my way.. plus sods law i'll get it and a new better mod will come out 20 quid cheaper.. its all soooooo arghhhhh
In stone. Go get it and stop faffing around. Make the decision and live with it. Just make sure you get a proper charger not one of these mickey mouse ones that quite often come in a kit with the device.
I was looking at one myself the other day. But opted for the itaste SVD instead.
My old shoes ain't letting water yet, so all me pocket money was spent on vape stuff.
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