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Now i need advice please!!!!


Jan 18, 2014
Hey guys just made menthol flavour in 5ml bottle, half bottle crystals topped up with PG.

going to make a 10ml mix!

how much menthol should I use 5%??
mdont want it super menthol!!

much love.!
easier to add than to take away, start with 2-3% and if its not strong enough for your liking add half to 1%
some menthols need even less around 1% to start

Right guys

put 4 drops into it so 2%

didnt taste anything except old Capella cool mint still, changed atty cleaned it all refilled with fresh juice,, nothing, so put a drop directly into 1.5ml of juice in the tank and shook and let it soak in.

Tasted good for 2 puffs now just tasteless??
mmuch love.!
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Sounds like your atty is no good or you're taste is shot. If it tasted good for 2 puffs, it shouldn't change. The juice is the same so it must be the atty. I hope this helps.
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