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Oh how Stephen Hawking has the world sorted!

Yeah but that could be because they're all shape shifters themselves ;)
Yeah but that could be because they're all shape shifters themselves ;)

And yet half of them don't look like they have tried very hard to shift, into anything that resembles normal anyway.
And yet half of them don't look like they have tried very hard to shift, into anything that resembles normal anyway.
True. I've been around a bit but Vaping ..the EU..the MRHA..learning about vested interests and lobbying...the whole thing ....has shaken me up a bit as to what really goes on in government. I love that quote...which I will probably get wrong now...but you will get the drift ...the last person to enter parliament with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes..:)
My favourite political quote was when Nancy Astor (I think) said to Winston Churchill ''if I were your wife I'd poison your tea'' and he replied with ''if I were your husband I'd drink it.''

My favourite political quote was when Nancy Astor (I think) said to Winston Churchill ''if I were your wife I'd poison your tea'' and he replied with ''if I were your husband I'd drink it.''

One of those lines you really wish you could have come up with. Anyone else have those moments when you think...omg THAT'S what I should have said...
has shaken me up a bit as to what really goes on in government
I have to admit it's only since I have started vaping that i have had any interest let alone particularly strong opinions on anything in the realm of politics but I am certainly finding more and more that I had no idea that had been said/done ect that i certainly have opinions on. I honestly think that more time needs to go into non-bias education in all of the goings on in our government certainly wouldn't go amiss, I'm nearly 20 and if i'm completely honest i have only just started to understand alot of it.... Almost like keep them clueless and then they can keep doing whatever the hell they like, because then kids that are old enough to vote don't know where to stand or exactly what its all about....
might be slightly off topic but yeah.....
I'm 42 Charlotte and I'm none the bloody wiser. It's a bit like vaping really, the more you think you know, the more you realise how little you know.
Anyone else have those moments when you think...omg THAT'S what I should have said...

[h=3]"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."[/h]
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