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on it for 12hrs for the first time


Mar 17, 2014
Vamo v5 with iclear 30s

Ok so i have been on the vape for 12hrs on and off for the first time and its mind blowing how good i feel. very suprised how much nicotine hit i'm getting. Smoking 30 roll ups a day i went for 24mg myepack silver tobacco juice and i think thats to much, (any advice would help)

At 47yrs old you think yourve seen it all just rebadged how wrong can you be

5 days and counting

i also bought the coffee 24mg but found it a bit sickly after 5hrs
Can anybody suggest a juice at a good price inc free delivery to start my journey
I can see 100% why vaping is such a great way to stop smoking but now i'm hooked on the stuff after 12hrs
(not a bad thing)

does anyone know of a video how to clean the iclear 30s, only i put coffee juice in and was worried about cleaning it, so i just topped it up with tobacco juice and now have a strange flavour

I'd highly suggest checking out steamgunk,epic juice,t-juice and mrs lords they are not exactly cheap but worth every penny. Vapercapers stuff is meant to be pretty good but not tried it myself ;) happy vaping
I used to smoke a similar amount of roll ups and 24mg made me dizzy. 18 is my current sweet spot but I want to reduce it.

Some flavours will linger, just fill a cup with hot water, disassemble the iclear and soak it. If it still smells, do it again. Soak up some water from the wicks with a tissue then leave it to dry. There are many YouTube guides.

(don't remove the wicks from the central post - it's all quite delicate. You can buy new heads for it you can't shift the coffee.)

Also, I am currently enjoying steamgunk and avant garde e liquids, particularly their desserts - can't go wrong.
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Welcome on board. Juices and flavours are very subjective.

Have a look around the marketplace and you will find hundreds of vendors, most of them offering a discount.

A couple that I enjoy are both from Vaper Caper. Berry Cheesecake and Watermelon Squish. A bit different to those that you have at the moment, but very nice. Free delivery and a member of the forum. Well worth a try.
If you were partial to a cigar before, you should try T Juice Cubana, it really does taste like cigar. It's lovely stuff
I asked the same question about cleaning the iClear 30 and was given this link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=594DdLiK8jw
I haven't sat through it yet but will do later, as for juices, I thought tobacco would be the way to go when I started, but I was VERY wrong, for me the best flavours (both from myepack) are vanilla mint & crystal menthol, I suprised myself as I never liked menthol stinkies but these juices are SO refreshing I cant keep off them
thanks for the vid link but mine is a iclear 30s were you dont see the wicks however i think i get the idea
once again thanks for everybodies support
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