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parallel or series coils in a protank?


Dec 5, 2013
Hi all, im new to re-wicking/coiling but ive sucessfuly done my vivi nova and a gs2-vcore. My problem is with the protank 3 dual coil heads! im using 0.2mm kanthal and have 1mm and 2 mm silica wick to hand. i cant seem to get a parallel configuration of coils to be greater than 1.3 ohms (needed by my vamo) since the space in the head is limited its hard to make i longer coil. does anyone know if the original coils are in series, i only had one original head and i forgot to look as i pulled it apart?
A very merry VAPEMAS to everyone :-)
I am going to be very little help but I have watched a few youtubes on the protanks preparing for my arrivals. One thing i do remember about them is that is is 2 coils in one strand of wire. looking right to left there is one on the right next to the body with 3 wraps, a space, and one on the left with 3 wraps. i do not know what size wire. I hope that helps until someone that knows logs in.
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