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Phlegm stuck


New Member
Aug 25, 2021
Hello all,

have already read a few forums on here about phlegm problems for new vapers, some saying stick it out, some saying change vg or flavours etc.
But I don’t have problems with phlegm coming up but with getting stuck in my throat. I have periods when it is worse but i’ve been vaping for 6 months now and had it the last few months..
Should i just go to the doctor? Will they know about this? i know vaping and smoking worsens your ability to clear phlegm etc. - its just super annoying when it happens - it makes me annoyed at vaping rather than smoking!!
thanks :)
My advice would be to increase your water intake. All vapers should really up their water intake when they start vaping but the more PG you vape, the more important it is. PG is hygroscopic and absorbs water from its surroundings and can cause dehydration. If you've got thick mucus that's tough to shift, and it started after you started vaping, increase your water intake.

And welcome to the forum.
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Smoking causes the microscopic hairs in the throat and lungs to lay flat and they need to be stood up to enable the phlegm to be ejected.
I'm pretty sure that vaping will not cause the same issues as Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerine are both soluble in water so as above so long as you're drinking enough fluids I'd get in touch with the professionals- ie Doctors!
I only ever get it when I wake up, it's 100% for me related to dehydration, I take medication that dries me out completely and vaping does it as well, I keep 6 glass 1l refillable bottles of water next to my bed and just keeping sipping on them and filling them up, it's the only way I can clear it.

I would say if you want to clear it quickly, have something hot, like a hot coffee or soup etc and that should give you some respite and then get to drinking the water to mitigate it in the future.

I find it similar to when I have to talk for long periods of time, because my mouth is moving and opening and breathing in constantly, you dry out quickly. Vaping can do that too in a relative way, especially if you chain vape a bit, you're using your mouth a lot.

Drink up my man! Hopefully you feel better soon. Let us know how you go.
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