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Pico squeeze prob.

Thanks guys. I haven't had any issues with the coral as yet, except I think it gets too hot, too quick for my liking. Hasn't melted yet but maybe a nice new atty is whats needed here. Thanks again.
There are so many good clones for under a tenner now that will blow that coral out the water.
Or go genuine with the vandyvapes pulse or even the oumier wasp nano for around a tenner.
There are so many good clones for under a tenner now that will blow that coral out the water.
Or go genuine with the vandyvapes pulse or even the oumier wasp nano for around a tenner.

Had an Oumier Wasp nano sitting around so slapped a quick 24g 7 wrap 2.5 i.d. kanthal 0.5 ohm coil in it and put in on the 50w Squeeze. Result excellent. Missus response "looks a bit weird"

Can't please everybody. :)
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