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Pinkman on icehelp


Jul 19, 2015
hi all, looking to recreate vlads pinkman on ice, i got told previously this would/shouldbe pinkman with koolada, however upon testing pre diy(boughtpinkman juice and added koolada which didnt taste right but when adding pinkman+menthol it tasted great) i now want to try the diy but am wondering how much of each to use, was thinking 15% pinkman 4% menthol and 1% koolada, sound about right?
I dont use menthol but i find anything above 1% with koolada blows my head off so i can only imagine 4% menthol will do the same, make 5ml test batches with say .5% koolada and 1% menthol then the others with slightly different percentages and see what tastes best to you mate.
Taste is soooooo subjective, whats a nice cool menthol vape to you could blow my head off.
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