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If you mean vampire vape pinkman then i didnt like it really. Kind of got used to it after a few hits but overall, not for me.

Got some for sale in the classifieds.
Had a 10ml bottle and thought it was decent but not enough for me to buy more, their heisenberg on the other hand...... ADV

Heisenberg is one of my ADV's, highly recommended even if your not a breaking bad fan!

I like pinkman but the concentrate is a little weak for my taste (20% +) so I stopped using it
Wasn't to keen on Heisenberg but was in one of my local vape shops today getting a new rda and ended up talking to the owner for ages till a customer came looking for a new tank witch I know a good bit about so I helped him with the customer and as a thanks he gave me a liquid that's not been released to the public yet to use in my rda atm there is two types going about for taste test he gave me pump A it's got a very unusual taste but also rather a pleasant taste some of use may like it
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I've just tried pinkman,it's OK a little weak for me,my adv is heisenberg,it's that addictive I think it might actually contain meth!:grin2:
Anyone else tried cherry menthol,just tried it,it's like vaping a packet of tunes :hmm: tried blackjack as well,that is lush,me likes a lot :2thumbsup:
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