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I found Pear drops by Vampire Vapes was the nicest e-liquid I've ever tasted, i had pinkman but for me if i vape too much of a certain e-juice for too long, thats it my tongue says no and says its yuck :(
Heisenberg is my ultimate ADV. tried a couple since starting and as someone else said further up, it is so addictive it could well be meth! Tried Pinkman too and it's not bad, just kept reminding me of the Refreshers sweets I used to have as a kid
I make a lot of my own liquid and Vampire Vapes Heisenberg and Pinkman are my ADV's. I always add a splash of menthol to mine.......Just binds it and makes it nice and fresh.
Love Heisenberg with a splash of menthol and may give the cherry menthol a go as mentioned further up
Hi, I too love the pink man and heseinberg too. I got dawn and rainbow skull concentrates but prefer the pink man and heisenberg alot more.
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