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Hi xKimx,
How are you finding the spirals in terms of running costs. I have one but I don't use it now. The factory coils cost about a fiver and only last me two or three days so in terms of running costs I find ruinous. The rebuildable deck doesn't perform very well so my spirals is gathering dust.

I'm going to make a suggestion and here as a new member myself I'm putting myself up to be shot down in flames. Here's my suggestion, Eleaf Pica with Wasp Nano.

The mod costs about £25 but you do need a separate battery which costs around a fiver. The Wasp costs about £15 so you are looking at approx £45 for the full set up. The battery can be charged in the mod so no need for a separate charger although it is better to charge with a proper charger.

You do have to build your own coils so there are a few bits of additional kit needed. The advantage is the upkeep in terms of coils is far less than changing the factory coil three or four times a week.

As you are looking for flavour you will not be disappointed with the Wasp Nano.
Hi xKimx,
How are you finding the spirals in terms of running costs. I have one but I don't use it now. The factory coils cost about a fiver and only last me two or three days so in terms of running costs I find ruinous. The rebuildable deck doesn't perform very well so my spirals is gathering dust.

I'm going to make a suggestion and here as a new member myself I'm putting myself up to be shot down in flames. Here's my suggestion, Eleaf Pica with Wasp Nano.

The mod costs about £25 but you do need a separate battery which costs around a fiver. The Wasp costs about £15 so you are looking at approx £45 for the full set up. The battery can be charged in the mod so no need for a separate charger although it is better to charge with a proper charger.

You do have to build your own coils so there are a few bits of additional kit needed. The advantage is the upkeep in terms of coils is far less than changing the factory coil three or four times a week.

As you are looking for flavour you will not be disappointed with the Wasp Nano.
Great idea, but maybe with 3 kids running around, not a viable option on time or safety... or the little bits of wire we all end up treading on lol :D
Great idea, but maybe with 3 kids running around, not a viable option on time or safety... or the little bits of wire we all end up treading on lol :D

She could build coils at night and tidy up after herself. I don't see time as a massive factor, maybe build two coils per week and change the wick daily. Five minutes per day plus an extra five on coil build days.
She could build coils at night and tidy up after herself. I don't see time as a massive factor, maybe build two coils per week and change the wick daily. Five minutes per day plus an extra five on coil build days.
True, I think in terms of my ineptitude lol :D
Hi @xKimx
Would you prefer a tank or dripper/squonk?
And would you prefer coils you buy premade, pop in juice up and go or would you like to build your own?
There are many great kits out there, the choice is immense.
Do you want to keep to the 20-40w range?
Thanks for all your help I have absolutely no idea how to build the coils and would probably do it wrong lol, I’m currently going through about 2 coils a week I’ve looked at the istick but would like something a bit more girly if possible I don’t mind buying separate batteries and charger if it’s going to last and taste good it’s not a problem
Thanks for all your help I have absolutely no idea how to build the coils and would probably do it wrong lol, I’m currently going through about 2 coils a week I’ve looked at the istick but would like something a bit more girly if possible I don’t mind buying separate batteries and charger if it’s going to last and taste good it’s not a problem

You can buy pre made RDA coils but it's very easy to make your own. Basically just wrap a bit of wire around a drill bit or screwdriver. Eleaf Pico 75W is a pretty compact single cell mod that comes in a variety of colours. My wife has a sort of rainbow effect version. Flavour with the wasp nano rda is really nice even with a higher resistance coil which you can run a pretty low wattage so the battery lasts ages
Thanks for all your help I have absolutely no idea how to build the coils and would probably do it wrong lol, I’m currently going through about 2 coils a week I’ve looked at the istick but would like something a bit more girly if possible I don’t mind buying separate batteries and charger if it’s going to last and taste good it’s not a problem
I you wanna try squonking, there's hot pink Pico Squeeze! I've got one and love it :D
Squonking will cost more in juice......you fill tank from an internal bottle.
If you want cheaper running costs you should look into making your own juice
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