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Please help

Thanks guys you have been amazing I think I’m gonna go for the wasp nano with the eleaf Pico thanks for your help and suggestions you have been great

that's a great choice. I got the pink one for my wife. there's plenty of pre made coils out there. or if you have some spare time when the kids are at school some exc ellent tutorials on youtube.
On the website where it’s 16.99 it says “this is a cloud chasing sport device and is not designed to be used with liquid containing nicotine.” Is this correct because I use liquid with nicotine
That was a disclaimer that appeared on that site at the time the Tobacco Products Directive came in, when the legality of RDA's was uncertain, in order to distance RDA's from being considered to be devices that should come under the same legislation as tanks, where they have to display a notice on the packaging saying "This product contains nicotine. (when filled with nicotine)".

You can use any RDA with liquid containing nicotine, don't worry.
that's a great choice. I got the pink one for my wife. there's plenty of pre made coils out there. or if you have some spare time when the kids are at school some exc ellent tutorials on youtube.
Yeah I have already watched a few what OHMs do you recommend with the wasp nano??
Depends on what you want out of it! Id probably aim for a 0.3/0.4 ohm coil 40/50 watts ish....but thats my personal preference.....
that all depends on how you like to vape. as you've gone for a Pico and wasp ill guess your going more for flavour. I build my wife's at single coil .23 to about .25 w with a kanthal she loves it. dont forget that mod has a limiter on the amount of watts it will give you
that all depends on how you like to vape. as you've gone for a Pico and wasp ill guess your going more for flavour. I build my wife's at single coil .23 to about .25 w with a kanthal she loves it. dont forget that mod has a limiter on the amount of watts it will give you
That’s the one that just looks like wire right? Not the spiralling one, what cotton do you use I’ve been told the muji Japanese cotton is good. Sorry to ask so many questions lol
Mujis fine. Once you get the hang of wicking then you can always try another type of cotton.
Typical standard wire would be kanthal (higher resistance, slower ramp up)
Nichrome (ni80, faster ramp up lower ohms) and stainless steel (faster ramp up, low ohms). All depends on the gauge you want too... its all about playing and finding what you like. Get a few different wires to play with as its cheap and go from there.
That’s the one that just looks like wire right? Not the spiralling one, what cotton do you use I’ve been told the muji Japanese cotton is good. Sorry to ask so many questions lol
that's ok. im by no means an expert but like most on here it's nice to share what you know. yes but a lot of wires look like'just wire' it's when you start twisting them and all this other wonderfull stuff it starts to look different. may i suggest popping on stealth vape I allways believe kanthal 24 gauge is a nice place when your starting. there is a section on there thats called free stuff. you can yourself a bit of muji cotton to have a play with. and dont forget allways pop your finished build on an ohm reader. and make sure you know your battery safety. YouTube is allways your friend
that's ok. im by no means an expert but like most on here it's nice to share what you know. yes but a lot of wires look like'just wire' it's when you start twisting them and all this other wonderfull stuff it starts to look different. may i suggest popping on stealth vape I allways believe kanthal 24 gauge is a nice place when your starting. there is a section on there thats called free stuff. you can yourself a bit of muji cotton to have a play with. and dont forget allways pop your finished build on an ohm reader. and make sure you know your battery safety. YouTube is allways your friend
If I buy the coils online are they ready to screw in do the cotton load up with juice and use? I don’t then have to read ohm’s and stuff? I think I’ll just buy them to begin with this is sounding complicated I don’t want to try run before I can walk lol
If I buy the coils online are they ready to screw in do the cotton load up with juice and use? I don’t then have to read ohm’s and stuff? I think I’ll just buy them to begin with this is sounding complicated I don’t want to try run before I can walk lol
I'd deffinatly advise getting an ohm reader, if you have a short on your circuit you dont really want to be putting that on a mod even if it does have safety features. you can pick an ohm reader very cheap off Amazon. I think 99.9 % of people on here would agree with me. you can never be too safe. in a pinch im sure if you ran it down to your local vape shop they would be more than happy to pop it on one of theirs.
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