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I'd deffinatly advise getting an ohm reader, if you have a short on your circuit you dont really want to be putting that on a mod even if it does have safety features. you can pick an ohm reader very cheap off Amazon. I think 99.9 % of people on here would agree with me. you can never be too safe. in a pinch im sure if you ran it down to your local vape shop they would be more than happy to pop it on one of theirs.
but once you've done a few you'll be laughing at how simple it all turns out to be. dont be discouraged and allways vape safe
You can get your pre made coils from a few apes on here or flea bay..any ohm you want I got 20 pre made 0.50ohm coils for £2.60 good to get you started and show you how they look.
Ok just bought a coil master so if I buy 5 ohm coils pop them in check on the coil master that it is 5 ohm then it’s safe to use??
Ok just bought a coil master so if I buy 5 ohm coils pop them in check on the coil master that it is 5 ohm then it’s safe to use??
yes that should suit most batteries. have a look on moochs you tube channel if you want battery information. dont forget though when you start adding more than 1 coil to an atty you half the ohms sesch time
Mujis fine. Once you get the hang of wicking then you can always try another type of cotton.
Typical standard wire would be kanthal (higher resistance, slower ramp up)
Nichrome (ni80, faster ramp up lower ohms) and stainless steel (faster ramp up, low ohms). All depends on the gauge you want too... its all about playing and finding what you like. Get a few different wires to play with as its cheap and go from there.
What's best to make non sub ohm coils for MTL?
If I buy the coils online are they ready to screw in do the cotton load up with juice and use? I don’t then have to read ohm’s and stuff? I think I’ll just buy them to begin with this is sounding complicated I don’t want to try run before I can walk lol

Ok just bought a coil master so if I buy 5 ohm coils pop them in check on the coil master that it is 5 ohm then it’s safe to use??
With any coil you still need to fire it up on it's own and get rid of any hot spots before you put the cotton in. Plenty of vids on you tube about how.. is easy :)
The wasp is nice and simple, single coil deck that's really easy to install the coil onto.

The resistance will be a personal choice. It's really hard to fail to get good flavour from the wasp. Just experiment with a few different builds and you'll find a preference.

I actually use mine at high ohms 1.5 with low power, 22W. It tastes really nice and kicks out a lot of vapour.

I use it with a very small mod that runs off a single 18500 cell so it's set up so I don't have to change the cell every 5 mins. Despite the low power set up I'm usually the one kicking out the biggest clouds when I'm with other vapers.
What's best to make non sub ohm coils for MTL?

With any coil you still need to fire it up on it's own and get rid of any hot spots before you put the cotton in. Plenty of vids on you tube about how.. is easy :)
Kanthal is best for plus ohm.
YouTube tutorials will help to show you how to make your coils. You can also type in something like wasp nano build into YouTube and you will find vids to show you how to fit your coil in to the rda. Any new atty/rda I get, I always check a few build vids to see how other people are doing it.
YouTube tutorials will help to show you how to make your coils. You can also type in something like wasp nano build into YouTube and you will find vids to show you how to fit your coil in to the rda. Any new atty/rda I get, I always check a few build vids to see how other people are doing it.

This is a good idea
Is it ok to use the wasp on my aspire zelos mod as I will b using lower w so the battery will last longer?
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