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PLEASE READ THIS AND SHARE:No smoke without ire

I've just read it, well written article. Finally someone speaking the truth for once.
Very well written by a tabloid that employs proper journalists!

Nice find Mark
Wow. Hits the nail almost perfectly on the head as I see it. And I always believed the myth that the Guardian was read by Nimbys and the wrong kind of Liberal! Not that I read the "hate sheets" either, except maybe if someone leaves the Sun lying around I may do the crossword to prove to myself that my brain isn't entirely rotted. A nice editorial, and hopefully will spark a bit of debate proposed by "our side" rather than us looking like reactionary whiners every time we comment on a piece that demonises vaping.
Ive also shared this on google, twitter and it should upload to FB.

Deffo an article worth reading and being commented on by ever vaper!
No smoke without ire

Excellent article and to the point, don't skim this thread but read the article and to wet your appetite read this extract....

You want real evil? What's truly evil is attempting to deny people addicted to a profoundly damaging substance the opportunity to transfer that addiction to a product most medical professionals rate as 99% harmless. The gathering European opposition to electronic cigarettes is the result of kneejerk cultural prejudice, puritanical vindictiveness, corporate collusion, and the unconscionable greed of tax authorities that won't be able to heap the same punitive, confiscatory, opportunistic duties on a product that doesn't hurt anyone.
Excellent article and to the point, don't skim this thread but read the article and to wet your appetite read this extract....

You want real evil? What's truly evil is attempting to deny people addicted to a profoundly damaging substance the opportunity to transfer that addiction to a product most medical professionals rate as 99% harmless. The gathering European opposition to electronic cigarettes is the result of kneejerk cultural prejudice, puritanical vindictiveness, corporate collusion, and the unconscionable greed of tax authorities that won't be able to heap the same punitive, confiscatory, opportunistic duties on a product that doesn't hurt anyone.
There are some very well written passages but I agree this paragraph sums up what's wrong with the European position. I've just noticed that the author is a novelist who wrote We Need To Talk About Kevin.
I don't use twitter much but tweeted and someone else has retweeted too. On FB ( where I nicked it) I have shared too.
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