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PLEASE READ THIS AND SHARE:No smoke without ire

Shame on me for being a one horse pony ... I only comment on one forum (the best :strawberry:). I don't use facebook, twitter etc or indulge in newspaper comments. But read the masses of comments that ensued the great article and noted www.e-cigarette-forum.com and ukvapers.org well advertised, but POTV was only mentioned twice at the very end and only one of those being the full link. Oh what a shame :strawberry:
Shame on me for being a one horse pony ... I only comment on one forum (the best :strawberry:). I don't use facebook, twitter etc or indulge in newspaper comments. But read the masses of comments that ensued the great article and noted www.e-cigarette-forum.com and ukvapers.org well advertised, but POTV was only mentioned twice at the very end and only one of those being the full link. Oh what a shame :strawberry:
From little acorns Szaxe from little acorns.
A lot of it is about education and any good article out there can only be a good thing, there is so much nonsense out there about e-cigs it is great to see a positive article about them. And there are still hundreds of thousands of smokers in the UK who still haven't even heard of them. Articles like this one can only help to raise awareness.
Generally positive responses in the thread beneath the article, apart from the occasional goon, but it is a thread on the internet, that tends to happen on news sites (and youtube) especially.
Ditto - thought I was reading my own thoughts here! And this is why the petition exists, to force proper and open debate. Or maybe we should now be thinking seriously about an organised public demonstration! I can guarantee you I will be there!
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