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Polished bb ?


Apr 22, 2017
Just curious, has anyone polished a billet box ? I like shiny stuff and I'm currently deciding whether to do it or not ? It's an sxk too before anyone says anything about attacking an original with a scotchbrite pad lol
There are a few out in the wild Lee I will try and find a picture :)

This would probably have my ocd through the roof, what a fingerprint magnet. Looks nice though.
Yeah, found a few via google, just wondered what people thought about doing it
I am about to re-anodise one without dye - aluminium will eventually oxidise and dull. It's quite slow, and the bits you handle will probably stay bright.

You can remove the previous anodising with sodium hydroxide (drain cleaner, oven cleaner) then move on to finer wet and dry
I am about to re-anodise one without dye - aluminium will eventually oxidise and dull. It's quite slow, and the bits you handle will probably stay bright.

You can remove the previous anodising with sodium hydroxide (drain cleaner, oven cleaner) then move on to finer wet and dry

Top man! (and glad to see our resident expert back posting) that's really helpful info - on my todo list as I have a scuffed DNA BB which needs a makeover.

I'm used to frequent polishing with my Vespa so no biggie as it oxidises.
Just done mine, was black with scratches but now it's bling and looks frikkin superb :)

So back to your question......
As a wise man called Nike once said "Just Do It"
Just about to start mine now, did you go the caustic route or abrasives only ?
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