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Popping noise


Feb 4, 2014
Hi with my aero thank sometimes I press the button and aswell hearing the fizz of the coil heating there is a popping noise is this normal

It will vary depending on the liquid, if it does'nt taste burnt i would'nt worry.
If you have a VV device you can turn the voltage down a touch if the popping noise is annoying you.
Since I recoiled my protank it pops and fizzles now and then, but all tastes fine and I've read that it's normal
Perfectly normal, most atties and clearos will pop and fizzle now and again, sounds worse than what it actually is :)
Love this topic! Thanks for posting Jefftow. Reminds of my first venture into the vaping world and was the first question that I asked, and my first concern. As those before me have said, popping and fizzing is 'normal'.
Yes it's normal.

It's caused by the e-liquid 'bump boiling' rather than turning to vapour. The popping noise is the bubbles in the liquid popping and the liquid hitting the inside of the coil head.
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