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Problems with coil

These heads are notoriously shit. Everyone I have bought has lasted at most a couple of days before tasting burnt. I now make all my own and never have any issues.
Thanks very much guys!

I am thinking of ordering a vamo v3 from fastech this weekend and then starting my own re-coiling then after!

Is the Vamo the cheapest, thats good quality, I could get?
Depends what you are after. I nearly bought a Vamo but decided against it as I'd need batteries and chargers etc, and the ones in the kits from FT aren't the best. Plenty of people love Vamos though. I'm getting an iTaste MVP 2 as my next device. Solid and mega battery life.
Hi drstevo I have only recoiled and wicked my t3s and evod heads because who knows what wire and wick is used from stock manufacturers it's an easy process if not a little fiddly at first but with practice you will soon be an expert at it and then you can reap the benefits of better vaping as for the vamo I have a v4 but got so pissed with the threads in the ego connector it's now at the back of the cupboard and have got a zmax v3 a better vv mod at a bit more expense and as it's telescopic there's no need to carry around an extension like with the vamo if they sorted the thread issue with the vamo it would be a fantastic vv/vw mod but that's just my opinion.

Good luck
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