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Proposed E Cig Ban


New Member
Jan 9, 2014
Hi, I own a retail Vapor Shoppe on the West coast of Florida the ban on electronic cigarettes is threatening to spread across the US also. We are trying to educate people to stop this ridiculous ban, which has already been started in NYC. I hope to get more information from this forum which I can share on my blog, facebook, and google + to help spread the word and stop big tobacco.
Hi, I own a retail Vapor Shoppe on the West coast of Florida the ban on electronic cigarettes is threatening to spread across the US also. We are trying to educate people to stop this ridiculous ban, which has already been started in NYC. I hope to get more information from this forum which I can share on my blog, facebook, and google + to help spread the word and stop big tobacco.

Hi Laura and welcome to POTV

Many of us are in the same fight EU wide... Follow us on twitter @PVapes I post a lot of ecig stuff through there :D

PS Even if you dont plan on advertising here, please have a read here about vendors and get a status, only takes a quick read and an email

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