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Provari V1


Jan 12, 2014
Hi im a newbie in the vape world and i have a provari set with era ATTy, i would like to get any feedback or any suggestions about it.
thanks, may i ask something? i was just wondering about putting a tank to my mod. any suggestion?
thanks, may i ask something? i was just wondering about putting a tank to my mod. any suggestion?

I use two or three different tanks at the moment. Occasionally a Kayfun Lite or Protank, but mainly carto tanks such as the Kir Fanis (from GR-modders) or Wee Willie (Alba Vapours). I guess its down to personal preference, the permutations are probably endless!
I still have my v1 and it's great, solid and dependable (although I broke the screen cover, but that was my fault). As for what to put on top, that is all preference. I like something slimmer that follows the lines more, my kfl looks too big. It also has a slightly higher cut off than the later versions (can't remember exactly ) so you can't do crazy low voltage vaping but that never bothered me :)
thanks guys, i am learning a lot in this forum.... ill try to check them out.
I still have my v1 and it's great, solid and dependable (although I broke the screen cover, but that was my fault). As for what to put on top, that is all preference. I like something slimmer that follows the lines more, my kfl looks too big. It also has a slightly higher cut off than the later versions (can't remember exactly ) so you can't do crazy low voltage vaping but that never bothered me :)

Have you got the Purple tank from IBtanked? I saw it as an option and thought of you haha :D
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